Supporting British Designers

Miss Festival is on a mission to support small-scale, UK designers who have poured their heart and soul into the fashion industry. We understand how difficult it can be for emerging designers to get publicity, and hope that our investment into their creativity can help inspire them to keep doing what they love. 

Meet the designers below, take a peak behind the scenes and show your support by following their socials and checking out their websites. 

Meet The Designers

Jane Doe


Starting with swimwear and expanding into dressmaking, Emma has developed her love for designing clothes into her own business. After graduating university with a degree in fashion design, Emma Rose Designs was born from her dining room table. Now, with her own studio, an array of machinery and an ever growing fabric collection, she's on a mission to create high-quality, eye-catching pieces that customers will love.

Lisa John


From being a high-street shopaholic to a sustainbility queen, Tabby built Re_Considered with the goal of persuading consumers to wear what they already own. She's launched an ingenious, up-cycling programme that allows consumers to turn what they see as waste into a piece they can treasure. The items you see on Miss Festival have been transformed from discarded clothing.

Cartherin Forres


Lockdown left Daniella struggling for income as a student. She's always loved wild party wear and designing clothes. So when the idea of making and selling her very own festival clothing came to mind, she launched Psycho Cow. Based up in Manchester, Daniella has been running her business for just over a year. Her popularity on Instagram walks the talk for her unique pieces and she has big plans for designing some of her very own fabrics.

Behind The Scenes

Where do you source your fabrics? 

Supporting British, end-to-end.

Our mission to supporting British starts at fabric sourcing, where we ensure all of the British designers we work with source their fabrics from within the UK in an effort to leave a more sustainable, eco-footprint. 

One of the main fabric suppliers our designers use if Friedmans, who were established back in 1962. You can watch more about their journey creating fabrics here.